Tuesday 22 May 2012

Final Evaluation

Overall, I am pleased with the tailoring work I have done and think it is of a good standard. However, I am disappointed that I have not been able to learn more through this project and feel that I still lack tailoring skills that I will need in the future. I understand that this is a result of my work placement, which has reduced the time I have had to complete my tailoring work, but I have gained valuable experience by completing this.

Tailoring is an area that interests me greatly, and I have enjoyed researching further into it. Initially, I think I focused too much on general research into tailoring when I should have perhaps looked more at techniques I would be using, together with fabrics. Once I realised this, I did change the direction of my research and I think I have learnt much from doing this.   On reflection I could have perhaps gone into greater depth with my research, particularly concerning fabrics, although time constraints meant that construction of the jacket became my main focus. During construction, however, I think my research skills were of sufficient quality to enable me to find a solution to my pocket flap problem independently.

I enjoyed drafting the patterns for this project and have increased my knowledge of this process. I think I am developing an eye as to what looks right in relation to patterns and their alteration. However, I think that in general, too much time was spent on drafting the patterns, particularly when considering the time I then had left to construct the jacket. Nevertheless, I appreciated that this would have been difficult to change, as there was no time before the Easter break to get fabric, which was needed for the next stage.

I am happy with my fabric choice and think it fits the period well; in addition the herringbone stripe adds a challenging dimension. This did provide some problems, particularly in relation to the pockets, as these had to be matched with regard to the stripes and because of the additional challenge of a flap, they took much longer than I had anticipated. It perhaps may have been easier, given my time constraints, to have picked a plain fabric, but it was difficult to find a suitable fabric I liked and I did not see any plain fabric that I thought would work as well as the herringbone.

I am pleased nevertheless, with the pockets and the way they match. The flap was an extra challenge but now I know more about how to sew these and the general shape of them. The inside jetted pocket’s left side is slightly too slanted, probably as a result of sewing past the upright and so I will be more careful of this in the future.

I am glad I had time to learn how to do trouser side entry pockets and a fly, as these are extremely useful skills to know. I think my pockets are more successful than the fly but I found them easier and simpler to construct. I definitely need to practice doing button holes, as I am not happy with the ones that I have done. Similarly, I found the last step of the fly particularly difficult, as the button placket did not reach as far over as I had expected. I am also concerned about the raw edges of the fly, in particular, whether these will be on show once the trousers are finished.

With regards to my work placement, I have enjoyed my time there and although it has meant I have not been able to learn as much tailoring, as I would have liked to during the project, the placement has given me a beneficial insight into the professional environment. It has been exciting working on the Olympics’ costumes, as this is probably a once in a life time opportunity. Although I have gained few new technical skills on my placement, I have gained valuable practical experience.

This tproject has allowed me to gain construction skills and experience, which I have enjoyed learning, not least because of the challenges they have presented me with and the need for me to use my problem solving skills.  Tailoring is an area of work that I think I would like to continue with in my third year and so I am extremely keen to complete my jacket and trousers to enable me to progress further with my development of skills in this area.

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